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The PowerSchool Parent Portal is available during the school year for parents to view current grades, attendance, and lunch money. Contact the Office or email: for username/password information.

The PowerSchool Parent Portal is available during the school year for parents to view current grades, attendance, and lunch money. Contact the Office or email: for username/password information.

Student & Parent PowerSchool Login
School Code: BWTC

PowerSchool Help for Parents (English)
PowerSchool Help for Parents (Spanish)


Breakfast will be served from 7:30 a.m. – 7:55 a.m. Price for K-6 grade students is $1.85 (full pay) or $.30 (reduced). Students qualifying for free do not pay.

A hot lunch program is available to all students. A monthly menu is sent home with your child's newsletter so you may decide in advance which days your child wants to eat a hot lunch. Lunches are prepared in the kitchen at Platte Center Elementary School.

Breakfast will be served from 7:30 a.m. – 7:55 a.m. Price for K-6 grade students is $1.85 (full pay) or $.30 (reduced). Students qualifying for free do not pay.

A hot lunch program is available to all students. A monthly menu is sent home with your child's newsletter so you may decide in advance which days your child wants to eat a hot lunch. Lunches are prepared in the kitchen at Platte Center Elementary School. 

More Lunch Information

It is important that students follow all bus rules in order to provide safe transportation and a comfortable environment for students' travel.

  • Always remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  • Follow all directives given by the bus driver and school personnel.
  • Conduct on the bus is the same as in the classroom or building. No hitting, rough actions, physical abuse, inappropriate language, defiance of authority, throwing items, inappropriate gestures, or possession of contraband is allowed.
  • Stay on the sidewalk or loading zone until the bus has stopped when loading.
  • Use the emergency door only in an emergency.
  • Damaging or stealing items on the bus will be treated similar to the same offenses in the school building.
  • Students must ride the bus they are assigned and extra passengers such as friends are not allowed on the bus without administration approval.

Please review these notes and reminders...

  • Classes begin at 8:05 a.m. Please bring your students before that time, especially if they are participating in the breakfast program. School will dismiss at 3:20 p.m. We encourage parents whose children do not ride the bus to pick up students promptly at 3:20 p.m.
  • Weekly information will be communicated through email, text or electronic Friday Folder. 
  • Early dismissals on Wednesdays are at 1:30pm. 
  • When flowers/balloons are sent to a student for a special occasion they remain in the school office until 3:20 p.m.
  • All Fundraising, both for the school or individual students, must be pre-approved by the building administrator.
  • Flip-Flops and sandals are not acceptable for P.E. Tennis shoes are necessary on those days. If students do not have on tennis shoes they will not be allowed to participate.
  • Lakeview Community Schools Board Meetings are the second Monday of each month.
  • The teacher will begin classroom instruction at 8:05 a.m. If you need to visit with the classroom teacher please do so before 8:05 a.m.
  • Homework - if students’ assignments are late or incomplete the student will stay in for recess or after school until 3:35 p.m. that day. 
  • When you have school related concerns please visit with the classroom teacher first. If you are not satisfied with the teacher conference, then proceed to the principal.
  • When your child is absent because of sickness please call and inform the school before 8:30 a.m. or the school office will be contacting you. You can leave a message on the office voice mail if you want.
  • Please read the handbook with your child and return the signature page. Please remember to sign and have your student sign.
  • We will be collecting Campbell Soup UPC’s, Box Tops for Education, Super Saver Receipts, Best Choice UPC’s (from Super Saver). Thank you for saving these items for us.    
  • Medication forms must be filled out completely before medication will be given by office personnel. (All prescription medication (except inhalers) must be turned in to the office to be stored.)